Penzance Dry Dock is a perfect place for leisure and pleasure craft services.
We have you covered whether you need routine maintenance, a refit, restoration work, or emergency repairs. Several wet berths are available for vessels that require mooring while waiting for their refit.
We have a highly skilled workforce in-house from marine engineers, designers, electricians and specialist fabricators. As well as an extensive network of partners, we can source anything you need for your project, from OEM parts to bespoke interiors.
Work is well underway on the Xavier, a Dutch Barge that will be used as a houseboat.
With the ultra-high-pressure blasting complete on Xaiver, the independent Surveyor is now assessing the hull plate and identifying points of concern.
Once the analysis is complete, our Project Manager and the Surveyor will meet with the owners to plan the best course of action.
To find out more about our vessel repair and dry docking services, please call 01736 363838 or email